How can I avail of the deals and coupons on Yolo?
Navigate to the 'Deals' section, choose your preferred brand, and click on the available deals. Follow the instructions to redeem the coupon and enjoy exclusive offers.
Are the deals updated regularly?
Yes, we constantly update our deals to provide fresh and exciting offers. Keep checking the 'Deals' section for the latest discounts from various brands.
Can I use Yolo Coins to enhance my deal benefits?
Absolutely! You can use Yolo Coins to unlock additional benefits and discounts when availing deals. Maximize your savings with Yolo.
What happens if a deal is expired?
Expired deals are promptly removed from the platform. We recommend checking regularly for the latest deals to ensure you don't miss out on great offers.
Can I share the deals with my friends?
Currently, the sharing feature for deals is not available. We're continually enhancing our features, and your feedback is valuable for future updates.
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